We Take a Look at Some of the Massive Online Gambling Budgets Are Spent in Australia Each Year
Added: October 11, 2013
Online gambling is big business around the globe, let alone solely within Australia. However, many Australian online gamblers probably do not realize just how much money online casino sites in Australia are spending to try and attract them as customers. We are talking serious amounts of cash each year, well into the millions of dollars in some cases.
If we combine print advertising in newspapers, magazines and suchlike, with TV advertising, and radio advertising, then the National advertising budget in the online gambling market in Australia runs to over $50 million. It is also important to point out that we have not included online advertising in this figure, the true total figure is likely much higher.
So who are the big spenders when it comes to online gambling advertising in Australia? Which companies are targeting Australian online gamblers the most?
Well, Tom Waterhouse has the largest online gambling advertising budget, trying to attract Australian online gamblers to its range of online casino sites. In the last year, Tom Waterhouse as spent in excess of $9.6 million on paid advertising, with most of this budget going on TV advertising. This is a huge chunk of change, and shows just how much cash Australian online gamblers are worth in revenue, if a company is spending $9.6 million on advertising, how much are they making from their online casino sites?
TattsBet has the next largest online gambling advertising budget, running to some $3.6 million. This is only around a third of what Tom Waterhouse spends each year trying to attract new Australian online gamblers. But it is still a very large sum of money.
To put this budget size into perspective, consider the fact that major companies such as Ford, Coca-Cola, and the National Australia Bank, often spend far less on advertising, and we can see that online gambling must be an extremely profitable market.
Of course, this is great news for Australian online gamblers, as it means that a percentage of these massive marketing budgets, are usually given over to casino promotions. So quite frankly, the more that Australian online casino operators spend on marketing, the more casino promotions will be available for us, the players, to take advantage of. So we say keep spending, keep cracking up those marketing budgets, and keep providing Australian online gamblers with great online casino promotions.