Added: March 12, 2015
Online slots do not require any skill in playing. You spin the reels and then wait for lady luck to do the rest. However, there is one crucial aspect of slots wagering over which you have control and you should know how to exercise this well. This aspect is bankroll management. The article provides some guidelines for new payers at Australian online casinos.
At the outset of any wagering session you should be clear as to the amount that you want to wager. Then you should have the willpower to stick to this amount. Based on the time that you have allotted for the session, you should be able to estimate the number of spins of the slot machine that you will get. This will depend on factors like whether you have opted for quick spin and whether you will be using the auto play feature. Then divide the bankroll by the number of spins to get your total bet per spin. You should always enable all paylines of the slot machine that you have selected to wager on. Therefore you should select your line bet accordingly.
Bankroll management would depend on the outcome of your spins. In the worst case you assume the unlikely scenario that you do not win at all. Then you should play out your estimated number of spins with the decided total bet per spin remaining unchanged. Most likely you would have won amounts on some of the spins, but would be a net loser at the end of your allotted spins. In this case it makes sense to bank that amount and salvage whatever you can from your initial bankroll. Occasionally you may want to play on till your bankroll is exhausted. This gives you a chance to make a big recovery. However, this option should be used very sparingly.
Sometimes you may hit a big jackpot payout, or a few of them, and have made a substantial increase to your bankroll. If this happens towards the end of your session it is best to withdraw the extra amount from the online casino. If this happens early on in your session then you have an opportunity to increase your stake. Make sure that you keep more than the original bankroll aside and play with increased stakes for the remainder of the spins. You must make sure that you do not end up a net loser after the early windfall. If this early win is big enough to be life changing then stop playing and withdraw everything.